this game was truly a ride! loved it I can't wait for another chapter and honestly I would love it if they also put some English voice actors but still it's amazing!
ah!!! this is really cool! im not sure if i saw all the stuff because it kind of went... weird? as a developer im not sure how to describe it to give u a bug report q_q but im looking forward to the full release!!!
TSK! I'm sorry user, but they are spreading information that goes against what we want for the game, I'm afraid it's what needs to be done. *puts a hand on her forehead shaking it*
omg i luv it sm!! i was also wondering if theres a full gameplay on patreon? if yes then i would LOVE to pay for it and play it <3 btw keep up with the work!
Saludito desde españa! me encanto enserio, me dejaste la cabeza loca porque me hice todos y pues tengo actualmente la miel en los labios ;-; pero esta buenisimo la demo, me encantaría seguir jugandolo y espero pronto una actualización, muchas gracias por esta obra de arte!
I hate it how they said they will not make an version for Android because they don't want minors to play it. Like what? Minors mostly in this time have a computer or laptop. Idk if it hard to make a Android version of this game or not but seriously, think before bring up an excuse! (Sorry if this is rude but I can't just accept that the creator refuse to make an version for Android for such an stupid reason.)
As the creators, we ask you to respect our decisions about the game or we'll be forced to put it under restrictions to get the new updates and the only way you'll be able to get it is by PAYING for it .
If we decide that the game will not have portability for android is because we don't want it to be shared in a medium that is much more easier for minors to get it and see this kind of topics.
And you're right, maybe it won't reduce minors to a 0 by not making an android version, but it will prevent many of them from playing our content, it is easier to have a cell phone than a computer as you can see.
And honestly, with all the respect if you're going to act this way by giving advice on how to GO AGAINST OUR REQUESTS you are not welcome here.
We're trying to make this game work, we're dealing with complex and sensitive issues, and we don't need people giving us trouble because they can't play the game in their cellphones.
First off, the animation in this was good. I got a chuckle out of punch. :P (Edit: The closest scene got me laughing too.) The Retep scene with the laptop was... Honestly, a surprise, didn't expect things to go from zero to a hundred so fast! Secondly, the art style is just insane, there's so much to take in and some parts shouldn't work but they mix so well. Not to mention, the voice acting! I mean, I don't understand a lick of Spanish, but whoever is doing the voices in this are great, there's just such emotion in it all.
Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Can't say I've learnt much about the characters, but right now the standard of quality here is beyond what I expected. You really put in effort for just a demo and it shows!
You know what? THIS GAME IS FUCKING AMAZING I REALLY LOVE THIS!!! I love how this game give a small note like it's "not your fault and etc" i cant wait for the full game.
It's hard for me to try something new, but oh, I'm so glad I did. I love animations, I love little tips on the screen that say "it's not your fault, it's actually a slur, etc...", I love deduction for character's acting, I love the voicing!! I'm overwhelmed with how good this demo is and I'm praying for you three to finish this because... I'M ADDICTED TO THIS DUH.
Can't wait for Pet to show up I'm kinda a fan (I'll cry if there is no love route for him but I'll accept this fate with happiness). ALSO DAAAMN I LOVE PAITHENS ROUTE it was keeping me on my nerves the whole time. Also reminds me of my friendship that I have right now (pls don't ask). AND Reteeeppp... What can I say he is a star. I can't be angry at him, he is just... he is a little guy. He is a creme bun. I love them all!! I'm not into Peeter this much because I don't know about him much, but, damn, I was not into Paithen and Retep, and here I am, losing shit about them. I'm sure I'll lose my shit over Peeter too when he will be in the game as well. THANK YOU THE ULTIMATE YOURS GAME TEAM FOR GIVING ME FOOD BLESS YOU MUAH
It's super interesting how the protagonist/player ends up becoming interested in Repet despite everything he told them and how he is CLEARLY a stalker, bc maybe it is due to the trauma with Paithen and just being used to certain toxic things, because even though the protag hates Paithen, never wants to see him again and will not let him repeat what he did, they will unconsciously normalize toxic stuff, just because it is what they're used to, and that's why even thought Repet is a stalker that ruined their laptop, the protag still ends up giving their number to him. This game is realy well-made, i'm really hoping to see the other characters, thank you!
I got to say I love the animated bits and the art but Paithem is the fucking worst....he has zero redeeming points. *Spoilers* He's abusive, a cheater and a rapist. I really hope there's a way to screw him over and give him the biggest fuck u.
This game is so well done and interesting!! I don't think I've seen animations this good in a VN before! And I love characters that actually make me mad, haha. Speaking of characters that made me mad, Paithan can get buried alive in a pit of snakes, hahaha, he's horrible, it's great. I can't wait to meet the other characters and learn more about what's going on.
¡¡Este juego está muy bien hecho y es interesante!!¡No creo haber visto animaciones tan buenas en VN antes!Y me encantan los personajes que realmente me hacen enojar, jaja.Hablando de personajes que me hicieron enojar, Paithan puede ser enterrado vivo en un pozo de serpientes, jajaja, es horrible, es genial.No puedo esperar a conocer a los otros personajes y aprender más sobre lo que está pasando.
Yeah and I thought it was suspicious after the choice with not forgiving red guy and trying to leave scen, Mc woke up and Tamara is covered in bruises all over. And also at the start of the party when Tamara told Mc she was waiting on someone else....I'm pretty sure they are both betraying MC.
nah because I actually had to double back and check if it was her..I feel like the only reason why she wanted y/n to leave is so all his attention was on her. " Your lucky I'd never fuck my friend's boyfriend. " but you'd fuck y/n's ex tho.
Noo :c I swear that if I didn't read your comment, I wouldn't even notice that it was Tamara who was in that scene with red guy in the closet... God, and I who believed in her, I feel like a total fool
Jeez, Pai has zero redeeming qualities. Reter is a jerk but i still like him WAY more then Pai. I wonna know what Reter was saying during his..."self pleasure" scene but there were no English subtitles on that part. I like the game and the voices.
he repeats "i hate you" a bunch of times and ends with "youre the worst! i dont care if i have to destroy that stup1d computer of yours! i wont let you get away from me."
Fun Fact: si esperan un poco en la pantalla de inicio, van a ver como la pantalla del monitor mostraba una silueta azul (creo q es el Peter original) y luego regresa a mostrar las siluetas verde, amarilla, roja y rosa
Hace poco que me metí en esto de las novelas visuales pero en verdad me encantó esta en específico, los dibujos y el sonido fue genial, por ahora odie a Pahiten con toda mi alma pero me enamoré por completo de retep a pesar de que me insulto como nunca antes me habían insultado, conclusión me encantó y me gustaría saber más sobre retep y me gustaría donar pero justo ahora no tengo dinero en mi tarjeta ಥ_ಥ
Normalmente ningún juego me hace escribir comentarios pero este específicamente tiene su encanto, el detalle de escribir "No es tu culpa" luego de la escena con Paithen me agradó bastante y en general toda la partida se siente muy natural/realista. Retep a pesar de su personalidad grosera te termina cautivando bastante y deseo ver más de él en proximas actualizaciones! En general una novela visual con mucho potencial, quisiera poder donarle más pero estoy algo pobre jajajs.
Absolutamente me ha encantado, con lo poco que dura tiene mucho que ofrecer y ademas me hizo reir con algunas opciones. Espero las proximas actualizaciones con ansias <3
La manera en qué se desarrolla la historia, lo diversa que son las personalidades de los personajes, el que haya más de un final. Además, de los hermosos diseños de los personajes, los fondos detallados. ¡Y, por dios, las voces!. No muchos juegos lo hacen. Asi que, estoy encantada porque hayan trabajado en cada detalle.
Estoy agradecida con los creadores/desarrolladores por dar la oportunidad de jugar esta DEMO. Espero ansiosa por saber de sus proximas actualizaciones😻😹😻😹.
Me ENCANTO, Este Juego Supero Mis Expectativas Al 100 %
Me Encanto Como los actores de Voz Actuaron su Voz Metiendose Mucho en La Escena :DD
Ademas Que Me Impresiono lo Hermoso Que Es El Arte de Fondos personajes y etc 🎉
Ojala Que este juego Tenga El Apoyo Que Se Merece
( Me Gusto El Detalle de que en la ruta cuando le decimos que no a Paithen, Al Final Despues de Todo Lo Que Paso, en los pequeños rectangulos dice: ( " NO ES TU CULPA " )
← Return to game
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aaa ame el juegooo cuando va a salir otra actualizacion?
Necesito para android 😭
Tendrá una versión para Android??
You also get different responses if you keep trying to make "Peter" your name (Same with Retep, he just gets mad at you until he leaves) ^_^
The only ones that didn't had any special scenes for me was "Pet" and "Paithan", Did they changed it?
Edit: I restarted my name and Pet worked, also found out it was supposed to be "Paithen", my bad yall.
erm... maybe i have through a bug that went the log end, the blank box doesn't remove and it still there went the short animation play...
this game was truly a ride! loved it I can't wait for another chapter and honestly I would love it if they also put some English voice actors but still it's amazing!
ah!!! this is really cool! im not sure if i saw all the stuff because it kind of went... weird? as a developer im not sure how to describe it to give u a bug report q_q but im looking forward to the full release!!!
I want to meet the yellow oneee
It seems that they deleted our comments apparently, what bad luck... anyways, I see a future on this VN, good luck with game
TSK! I'm sorry user, but they are spreading information that goes against what we want for the game, I'm afraid it's what needs to be done. *puts a hand on her forehead shaking it*
Well, it's understandable, good luck with your game.
It was a bad idea to give a character a name "Retep"... Now I could think of meme with "evil" Peter Griffin "MY NAME IS RETEP, AND I HATE N-".
💔 (IM SO SORRY FOR THIS)omg i luv it sm!! i was also wondering if theres a full gameplay on patreon? if yes then i would LOVE to pay for it and play it <3 btw keep up with the work!
I LOVE Paithem! Keep up the great work!
Saludito desde españa! me encanto enserio, me dejaste la cabeza loca porque me hice todos y pues tengo actualmente la miel en los labios ;-; pero esta buenisimo la demo, me encantaría seguir jugandolo y espero pronto una actualización, muchas gracias por esta obra de arte!
I hate it how they said they will not make an version for Android because they don't want minors to play it. Like what? Minors mostly in this time have a computer or laptop. Idk if it hard to make a Android version of this game or not but seriously, think before bring up an excuse! (Sorry if this is rude but I can't just accept that the creator refuse to make an version for Android for such an stupid reason.)
As the creators, we ask you to respect our decisions about the game or we'll be forced to put it under restrictions to get the new updates and the only way you'll be able to get it is by PAYING for it .
If we decide that the game will not have portability for android is because we don't want it to be shared in a medium that is much more easier for minors to get it and see this kind of topics.
And you're right, maybe it won't reduce minors to a 0 by not making an android version, but it will prevent many of them from playing our content, it is easier to have a cell phone than a computer as you can see.
And honestly, with all the respect if you're going to act this way by giving advice on how to GO AGAINST OUR REQUESTS you are not welcome here.
We're trying to make this game work, we're dealing with complex and sensitive issues, and we don't need people giving us trouble because they can't play the game in their cellphones.
I can't wait to play the routes for the other two characters!
Can you add Android?
We're not going nor plan to make an android version. We don't want this game accesible for minors.
I really loved the animated portions of the game. Paithem was something due to the fact that he actually made me mad. Overall I loved the game!
Se puede jugar en tablet?
We're not going nor plan to make an android version. We don't want this game accesible for minors.
Will you perhaps make an android version? Just because I'm broke and can't afford a computer? I watched DeeGenerate's let's play and fell in love!~
We're not going nor plan to make an android version. We don't want this game accesible for minors.
First off, the animation in this was good. I got a chuckle out of punch. :P (Edit: The closest scene got me laughing too.) The Retep scene with the laptop was... Honestly, a surprise, didn't expect things to go from zero to a hundred so fast! Secondly, the art style is just insane, there's so much to take in and some parts shouldn't work but they mix so well. Not to mention, the voice acting! I mean, I don't understand a lick of Spanish, but whoever is doing the voices in this are great, there's just such emotion in it all.
Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Can't say I've learnt much about the characters, but right now the standard of quality here is beyond what I expected. You really put in effort for just a demo and it shows!
Will there ever be English voice acting? Or English subtitles during the cut-scenes so the English players understand what the characters are saying?
You know what? THIS GAME IS FUCKING AMAZING I REALLY LOVE THIS!!! I love how this game give a small note like it's "not your fault and etc" i cant wait for the full game.
It's hard for me to try something new, but oh, I'm so glad I did. I love animations, I love little tips on the screen that say "it's not your fault, it's actually a slur, etc...", I love deduction for character's acting, I love the voicing!! I'm overwhelmed with how good this demo is and I'm praying for you three to finish this because... I'M ADDICTED TO THIS DUH.
Can't wait for Pet to show up I'm kinda a fan (I'll cry if there is no love route for him but I'll accept this fate with happiness). ALSO DAAAMN I LOVE PAITHENS ROUTE it was keeping me on my nerves the whole time. Also reminds me of my friendship that I have right now (pls don't ask). AND Reteeeppp... What can I say he is a star. I can't be angry at him, he is just... he is a little guy. He is a creme bun. I love them all!! I'm not into Peeter this much because I don't know about him much, but, damn, I was not into Paithen and Retep, and here I am, losing shit about them. I'm sure I'll lose my shit over Peeter too when he will be in the game as well. THANK YOU THE ULTIMATE YOURS GAME TEAM FOR GIVING ME FOOD BLESS YOU MUAH
This is absolutely AMAZING. The artstyle is so good! I can't wait for another update!
Question for the devs, will there ever be a version that you can play on the web?
We don't think that would be apropiate. We don't want this game to be accesible for minors.
it won't let my download for some reasonn
Please, send a message to Tami or Perrie via twitter so they can help you fix your problem!
their twitters: @PerrieRidgewell // @TamonsterRex
Will there ever be an android version..?
We're not going nor plan to make an android version. We don't want this game accesible for minors.
It's super interesting how the protagonist/player ends up becoming interested in Repet despite everything he told them and how he is CLEARLY a stalker, bc maybe it is due to the trauma with Paithen and just being used to certain toxic things, because even though the protag hates Paithen, never wants to see him again and will not let him repeat what he did, they will unconsciously normalize toxic stuff, just because it is what they're used to, and that's why even thought Repet is a stalker that ruined their laptop, the protag still ends up giving their number to him. This game is realy well-made, i'm really hoping to see the other characters, thank you!
I got to say I love the animated bits and the art but Paithem is the fucking worst....he has zero redeeming points. *Spoilers* He's abusive, a cheater and a rapist. I really hope there's a way to screw him over and give him the biggest fuck u.
¡¡Este juego está muy bien hecho y es interesante!! ¡No creo haber visto animaciones tan buenas en VN antes! Y me encantan los personajes que realmente me hacen enojar, jaja. Hablando de personajes que me hicieron enojar, Paithan puede ser enterrado vivo en un pozo de serpientes, jajaja, es horrible, es genial. No puedo esperar a conocer a los otros personajes y aprender más sobre lo que está pasando.
I love this game <3 I can't wait for some more <3 see other 2 bois <3 I love Retep the most so far and I love the art style it's my favorite <3
Damn Tamara...I thought we were friends...
Yeah and I thought it was suspicious after the choice with not forgiving red guy and trying to leave scen, Mc woke up and Tamara is covered in bruises all over. And also at the start of the party when Tamara told Mc she was waiting on someone else....I'm pretty sure they are both betraying MC.
Ya if you forgive him you get that scene with them >_< like damn girl why >.> I do wan't to strangle them
Exactly, they both irked me so bad lol, hate them with a passion
Right?! they gross me out.. >_<
nah because I actually had to double back and check if it was her..I feel like the only reason why she wanted y/n to leave is so all his attention was on her. " Your lucky I'd never fuck my friend's boyfriend. " but you'd fuck y/n's ex tho.
Noo :c I swear that if I didn't read your comment, I wouldn't even notice that it was Tamara who was in that scene with red guy in the closet... God, and I who believed in her, I feel like a total fool
Jeez, Pai has zero redeeming qualities. Reter is a jerk but i still like him WAY more then Pai. I wonna know what Reter was saying during his..."self pleasure" scene but there were no English subtitles on that part. I like the game and the voices.
he repeats "i hate you" a bunch of times and ends with "youre the worst! i dont care if i have to destroy that stup1d computer of yours! i wont let you get away from me."
thank you very much.
oh damn thank you I was wondering too XD
Fun Fact: si esperan un poco en la pantalla de inicio, van a ver como la pantalla del monitor mostraba una silueta azul (creo q es el Peter original) y luego regresa a mostrar las siluetas verde, amarilla, roja y rosa
It's amazing how long you've been sitting and looking at the main screen to notice this.
I found it out when I left the game open to text someone lol
Hace poco que me metí en esto de las novelas visuales pero en verdad me encantó esta en específico, los dibujos y el sonido fue genial, por ahora odie a Pahiten con toda mi alma pero me enamoré por completo de retep a pesar de que me insulto como nunca antes me habían insultado, conclusión me encantó y me gustaría saber más sobre retep y me gustaría donar pero justo ahora no tengo dinero en mi tarjeta ಥ_ಥ
Normalmente ningún juego me hace escribir comentarios pero este específicamente tiene su encanto, el detalle de escribir "No es tu culpa" luego de la escena con Paithen me agradó bastante y en general toda la partida se siente muy natural/realista. Retep a pesar de su personalidad grosera te termina cautivando bastante y deseo ver más de él en proximas actualizaciones! En general una novela visual con mucho potencial, quisiera poder donarle más pero estoy algo pobre jajajs.
Absolutamente me ha encantado, con lo poco que dura tiene mucho que ofrecer y ademas me hizo reir con algunas opciones. Espero las proximas actualizaciones con ansias <3
La manera en qué se desarrolla la historia, lo diversa que son las personalidades de los personajes, el que haya más de un final. Además, de los hermosos diseños de los personajes, los fondos detallados. ¡Y, por dios, las voces!. No muchos juegos lo hacen. Asi que, estoy encantada porque hayan trabajado en cada detalle.
Estoy agradecida con los creadores/desarrolladores por dar la oportunidad de jugar esta DEMO. Espero ansiosa por saber de sus proximas actualizaciones😻😹😻😹.
Me ENCANTO, Este Juego Supero Mis Expectativas Al 100 %
Me Encanto Como los actores de Voz Actuaron su Voz Metiendose Mucho en La Escena :DD
Ademas Que Me Impresiono lo Hermoso Que Es El Arte de Fondos personajes y etc 🎉
Ojala Que este juego Tenga El Apoyo Que Se Merece
( Me Gusto El Detalle de que en la ruta cuando le decimos que no a Paithen, Al Final Despues de Todo Lo Que Paso, en los pequeños rectangulos dice: ( " NO ES TU CULPA " )